Wednesday, December 23, 2009


School is finally out! YAY!

... Well, at least for the year of 2009. Apparently this decade was terrible (9/11 and stuff and Michael Jackson dying), but I spent most of my life in this decade. It holds many dear memories to me. For example, my first day of Kindergarten to last day of 7th grade (7th grade was awesome because: 1.) I met lots of new people. 2.) pit was fun. 3.) Hershey was awesome). :sigh:, I'm going to miss these years.

Sorry for not posting earlier, but I really think it's pointless; no one ever comments, even when they read what I have to write; is this because I'm boring? Most people say that they don't have time to comment, but they have enough time to READ... Whatever.

Today is Christmas Eve Eve. As in, 2 days before Christmas. I don't know what I'm getting, but my mom held up a wrapped box and was like "This is your gift." and she let me shake it so I could hear what was inside... Yeah, I just realized that that trick doesn't work (cuz I'm usually not that excited about X-Mas). iSmarticle! ;D

Anyway, this year, since Daniel's in China right now, and going to be there for the rest of the year/part of the next year as well, Tiffany's having a party and Jon's going too! (family friends, in case you didn't already know). And no, I am NOT high (Alina) because there are going to be high schoolers. ;)

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great winter break and enjoys it at its fullest, cuz when we come back, we have to do WORK again

... Well, Annapurna and all SO people always have to work, so this doesn't really apply to them...

Ah well.

Merry felicitations! xD


  1. Stop putting this blog's pwnge. ;)
    I think I've seen that picture before...
    Yeah, I'm not that excited about Christmas this year, I'm getting too old.
    Gahh, don't remind me about the work and the midterms in January as well as the new year. Writing 10 instead of 09 is going to be so weird. New Years holds many memories...
    You forgot to mention the Winter Concert... gahh. You should have highlighted more about the year... lol, I'm back to elipses. I'm going to go before this comment gets too long.
    Email me when this blog is updated! ^_^
    Happy Felications, Ppls of the World! =)
    ~ Dawn Uzumaki
    P.S: Sorry for any grammatical errors.

  2. *Comments without reading post*OOH PRETTY PICTURE!
