Monday, October 19, 2009

What People Are Bringing

Ok, I'm just going to copy and paste this thing that Alina wrote, except change the "me"s to Alina:

  • 2 hair dryers-- Rebecca and Alina
  • peanut butter candy-- Rebecca
    2 iPod speakers-- Ashley and Alina
  • 4 alarm clocks(?)-- Hannah, Alina, Archana, and Rebecca
  • iPods-- Alina, Rebecca, and Ashley (if you want to randomly bring yours too, then knock yourself out!)
  • Soda/Drinks-- Alice and Sadia
  • seaweed and pocky-- Alina (cough cough... ^-^)
  • chips--Emily and I (Jill[ian])
  • Cheez-its-- Annapurna
  • Smoores stuff and Candy Corn-- Annapurna
  • cards-- Alina and I (Jill[ian])
  • more snacks(?)-- Archana
  • curling iron (why do we need this again? I'm just wondering...)-- Ashley

If anyone has anything to change, just comment, and I'll be posting another blog update in a few hours, or tomorrow.


  1. I'm bringing the curling iron cuz alice wants me to do her hair, and also because I felt like it!
    i MIGHT be bringing candy (chocolates)
    let's see I think Hannah might not be bringing her alarm clock (and/or Rebecca) because we already have more than one person. that's enough.
    I've got the disc. :)

  2. Annapurna, not Sidharta...
    Awesome clear cards--Annapurna
    My mom won't let me bring cheez its...srry...I'm bringing my addicting pretzels instead (if you don't know what my addicting pretzels are, you will learn soon enough.).

  3. Wait... what disc?

    Ok, then I'll start that new post, which is just a more updated version of this list.

    Oh, and speaking of doing people's hair, I can do french braid! Well, it could possibly rip everyone who lets me's hair out, but... Who's willing to give it a shot?! xD

    ... jkjk

    Also, Alina, remember that brush thing you had at Hershey park that turned different color when you blow-dry your hair? Could you bring that one? I like it! (Idk why I'm asking you to bring it, but oh well... xD)

    ... This is the end of the comment, and I now know what "the disc" is...

    I'm so smart. ^-^

    Btw, I don't know if I'm going to bring my soccer ball because I might lose it and it takes up a lot of space in my little bag thing...

  4. I would bring my soccer ball, but I think mine is really suckish. I think I should explain what "disc" is, but you know already. I don't need to bring cards then? I think I will anyway, for the bus, in case.
    gonna bring my fake Kanye West sunglasses that are YELLOW. just random.
    and alina, I wanna see that brush Jill was talking about.

  5. ok, I'm bringing the following...
    1. dark chocolate hershey kisses
    2. garden cheddar goldfish. (Sounds weird O.o)
    3. a couple packs of these cracker thingies
    4. chocolate teddy bear graham thingies
    5. these colorful tiny minty thingies

  6. ugh, my mom used to try to french braid my hair, it was really curly for days. and it felt like she was just trying to pull all my hair out.
    Yeah, I'm not bringing my alarm clock anymore. I dont think we need to have 4.

  7. SOMEONE NEEDS TO BRING CHEEZITS... Or else I'll die -insert gasp!!!-

    kk i'll bring my brush

    btw, u forgot
    juice/drinks (sadia and alice)
    ipod chargers (everyone basically -_-)
    more cards (emily cai)
    maybe curling iron if needed (alina)

    and i thought annapurna said she wasnt bringing the smoore stuffs cuz a lot of ppls didnt say "ZOMG I WANNA EAT SMOORES" so yea. SAY THAT AS UR COMMENT (plus other stuffs if u want) if u want her to bring that smoorey stuffs. oooh thats funfun to say. smmmmmoooooooooorey stuffs. and u can exaggerate the moooooooooreeee so it sounds like i want some moooore. OHMG! that's probably how smoores originated. OMG im so smart ^^

    yet we have a math test that im going to phail.... -_-' what a great life. maybe i'll become a phrase disoverer when i grow up ^_^

  8. Actually, my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Pliskin, said that "for smoores, you always want some-more"

    ... Like emphasize the space between the S and the M to make "some" and the rest of "smoores", which is "more" so it's "some more"...

    Also, I'll probably bring my soccer ball if I have any idea concerning where to put it...

    And Alina, YOU DID NOT FAIL. In fact, you already know your grade, and it's a lot better than mine. :sigh: oh well. There's always NEXT chapter...

