Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hey World for the maybe 33rd time

You peoples are hardcore meaniepoos. It seems as if we'll either have 
a) Reremind you about this website
b) Take out all other distractions for you so you can only focus on this website 
c) Make you read this by FORCE (you know what I mean ;) )
d) Persuade you to read this by giving out azn items or selling Montazn shirts
e) Deal with it

Here's an awesome bunny for you if you have read this:

Don't you see the yummyness of this website now? It has such addicting bunny pictures. ^-^

SO LOOK AT THIS THING... THIS WEBSITE... (and procrastinate on your school work :D)


  1. Maybe you should do an email notification like I do so people know when you update? Just a suggestion.

  2. Omg, Alina, we should totally do that (Priscilla's idea)!

    Yeah, sorry I haven't been writing posts on this blog, but I'll do one this weekend. ^_^
