Saturday, July 18, 2009

Smiley Breads

Smiley Breads

Everyone that I know of is wondering what Smiley Breads are. Now, to clear up any confusion, I shall share my story of how Smiley Breads came to be

But first, I'd like to explain what they are. Smiley breads are these buns (bread) that look like the rolls that the cafeteria ladies give out sometimes (except slightly smaller and don't have that line through the center). They are made up of some sponge-like material, so it's really squishy. No, it is not real, edible bread (I'm sure that piece of information as cleared a lot of things up). The smileys are drawn with something similar to the icing stuff that people write "Happy Birthday"s on birthday cakes (I'm not yet sure what it really is, but that's as much of a description I can give you.) except it is dry, and you can't smear it. They are usually weird smileys (i.e. buck-toothed, girly, pissed off, and of course, ASIAN!)

Now, onto how I came across the Smiley Breads. I was supposed to be meeting my friend, Katie (won't give out last names, but it isn't Katie Y.) for the first time this summer. I usually meet her every year, but this is the first time in Shanghai, China. So, anyway (See? I didn't use 'anyways' because: "People who want to sound educated and un-childish would NOT use "anyways," because it is not a proper part of the English language. Capiche?" --Alicia) we met, and took a bunch of pictures, and towards the end of the day, our families went shopping. At a few of the stalls, Katie and I went to see what the shopkeeper was selling, and we came across these buns with weird faces on them.
"Ooh! I'll get one for all of my friends in Hong Kong!" says Katie, and whispering so that Emma, her younger, adorable, and LOUD sister couldn't hear, "And I'll get one for Emma's boyfriend too!" (of course, she was kidding.)
I decided this was a good idea (the "getting one for all of my friends" idea; not the boyfriend... -awkward moment-) so I decided to pick out a few.
BUT, my dad, always the bargainer, bargained the price from 15 yuan (which I estimate for it to be about 1.5 U.S. dollars) to 4 yuan (66 cents). No shopkeeper would agree, and after about an hour, my mom took charge, and brought 15 for about 50 yuan.

Finally, we all could go home, have a rest, and, of course, PLAY WITH SMILEY BREADS!


  1. OMG, I WANT A SMILEY BREAD!!!!! =))))))) ~hyper; random caffine~ ~only comments for smiley breads & other mischellaneous things >_>~
    Random Comment: How do you play with smiley breads? Aren't you supposed to stare at them for hours and hours and just marvel at their awesomeness? =)
    Anyway, SMILEY BREADS ARE JUST AWESOME!!! OMG, this is just a suggestion but, I think you should do at least one post a week dedicated to smiley breads. ^__________^
    OMG, you got 15?! OMG, share!!! xD
    JKJK =) (But still... >_<)
    ~ SmileyLover ~

  2. lol
    i will share some!
    oh, and you can hang them on things... like, idk, a backpack? like, on a zipper, and everything you open the backpack, you can 'Marvel at their awesomeness =)" ~Dawn Uzumaki

  3. OMG, when we get back will you show me one? I WEALLY WANNA SEE WHEM! >_< ^_______^
    xD I spelled a word wrong in my last comment, oh well =)

  4. Is it possible to bring them into school? I really wanna see one...
    whatever you do, don't show Priya the buck toothed one...she'll go crazyXD.

    can you tell me how to become an author? I need the username and password...

  5. May I contribute?

    And Annapurna, you don't need to make a new username or password, you just use your GoogleAccount. ^_^ Basically, Jill (the administrater) will invite you to contribute to the blog. If you accept the invitation, you will become an author. To become an administrater like Jill, she has to rank you higher, she can also revoke your position on the blog.
    xD Priya and Buck-Toothed Smiley Bread

  6. You can get them cheaper going to smaller towns in Guangdong province. Guangzhou is expensive cuz it's a big city.
