Saturday, October 10, 2009

NJASK Scores

Many people got their NJASK scores. Many azns got a very good grade-
Oh wait.... I just realized that my score is not the score on the right hand side. I actually didn't fail. Nevermind then.
Anyhow, many azns got a good grade. A few of those awesome ones got 300s on their math. O.o Obviously not me, right?
But happy day for me, I've gotten Advanced Proficent. HORRAY. Ish. y. ka. bob. y. ness. y. Well, I could've done better if I didn't fail on the writing prompt. Teeheeteeeheehee.....

Also, please visit my blog,
Thanks for visiting! (My blog I mean.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I looked on the right side and thought I failed too. Yay, we think alike! xD

    I got almost perfect in LA, and Asian phailed my Math grade (Which is weird, because I'm supposed to be better at math than LA... arent' I?)

    Anyway, NJASK doesn't really count anymore. It did when we were in elementary, but now, we are mature MIDDLE SCHOOLERS (xD), and it doesn't matter.

    P.S. an Asian phail is if you get below 280/300 in anything, and I got two points lower, ftl. On the other hand, I got 298/300 for LA, ftw...
