Google has changed its name to Topeka. On April Fool's day. I wonder how many people will fall for it.
Look at the Google homepage; I think it's pretty obvious that it's fake.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Dove Chocolate FTW!

I took 3 wrappers of the little heart Dove chocolates that I've been living off of for a week and taped them together...folded them a little, and I got a heart.
BTW(not FTW), the black background in the picture is my SO shirt :) .
Serif Draw FTW!! (In case you were wondering how I put the words there).
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sorry for not posting!
Ooh, pretty flower!
Sorry I haven't been posting in like a few months... >.>
Well, it's not like anyone actually reads this blog, you know? Anyway, here are the things that have happened since the last time I posted:
1. I got my first 100 on a math assessment all year (which is a fail statement, but whatever! XD)
2. Apparently a 90.55 is a good grade on a math test that almost everyone else failed.
3. I banged up my flute, so I'm dead, since I haven't told my parents yet.
4. I did my math project with other people, and Idk the grade now...
5. I had a band assessment which is the only way to beat Angela, but Mr. Heller hasn't posted the results yet.
6. Felix bit me.
7. I realize how distracted I am to... Omg, is that clam chowder? O.o
... jkjk ;)
Anyway... Apparently it's going to snow again, so we might not have school tomorrow or the day after :) Then, I'll get to shovel the snow and get "ripped" (according to Alex W.). I also decided not to eat anything other than the 3 main meals of the day, because the snacks I like to eat are quite fattening... >.>
Well, it's not like anyone actually reads this blog, you know? Anyway, here are the things that have happened since the last time I posted:
1. I got my first 100 on a math assessment all year (which is a fail statement, but whatever! XD)
2. Apparently a 90.55 is a good grade on a math test that almost everyone else failed.
3. I banged up my flute, so I'm dead, since I haven't told my parents yet.
4. I did my math project with other people, and Idk the grade now...
5. I had a band assessment which is the only way to beat Angela, but Mr. Heller hasn't posted the results yet.
6. Felix bit me.
7. I realize how distracted I am to... Omg, is that clam chowder? O.o
... jkjk ;)
Anyway... Apparently it's going to snow again, so we might not have school tomorrow or the day after :) Then, I'll get to shovel the snow and get "ripped" (according to Alex W.). I also decided not to eat anything other than the 3 main meals of the day, because the snacks I like to eat are quite fattening... >.>
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Lizard: By My Brother

Monday, December 28, 2009
I'm Getting My Braces Off!
Well, I haven't had my braces for a long LOOOONNGGGGG time (only about 15 months or so), but I'm getting them off next year! (In January). I'm so excited! My mouth will feel natural/unnatural. >.<> to feel natural, because it's not supposed to be in my mouth. But now that I've grown used to them, taking off my braces will feel unnatural. So, I would feel natural, yet not. (sorry if you don't get what I'm saying, but no one ever does, so don't feel bad =])
Today, I put this mold thing in my mouth to see the shape of my bite so that when I get my retainer, it's in that shape. But I don't know if I should get a clear retainer or the traditional one. Any suggestions?
Well, I haven't had my braces for a long LOOOONNGGGGG time (only about 15 months or so), but I'm getting them off next year! (In January). I'm so excited! My mouth will feel natural/unnatural. >.<> to feel natural, because it's not supposed to be in my mouth. But now that I've grown used to them, taking off my braces will feel unnatural. So, I would feel natural, yet not. (sorry if you don't get what I'm saying, but no one ever does, so don't feel bad =])
Today, I put this mold thing in my mouth to see the shape of my bite so that when I get my retainer, it's in that shape. But I don't know if I should get a clear retainer or the traditional one. Any suggestions?
Yesterday, I woke up at around 7:45 so that my family and I could drive to New York City. Unfortunately, my sister and dad woke up around 11, so I really woke up for nothing. Anyway, we were out the door and driving at 12 o'clock.
For some reason, it was a REALLY good day to visit the city, because there was traffic EVERYWHERE. Wait, no... That's a bad thing. >.< So, instead of a 2 hour drive on a regular day, it ended up being 4 hours. Great.
When we FINALLY arrived, we parked our car and went for lunch. It was 4:00 p.m. and that was the latest time I've EVER had lunch. We went to a Japanese Restraunt called Aoki (It was probably owned by Chinese people though...), and the food was pretty good.
Afterwards, we just walked around Rockefeller Center, visited the M&M World, and went to Times Square. Overall, we spent about 3 hours in New York (about one hour less than the drive) and it took 2 hours to get home. I spazzed because I woke up early to go to New York and spend the day there, but only spent 3 hours... But I guess I forgot about it. =) Plus I was pretty tired (I slept at around 1 a.m. the previous night because of an Asian party) so I went to bed.
... The End.
For some reason, it was a REALLY good day to visit the city, because there was traffic EVERYWHERE. Wait, no... That's a bad thing. >.< So, instead of a 2 hour drive on a regular day, it ended up being 4 hours. Great.
When we FINALLY arrived, we parked our car and went for lunch. It was 4:00 p.m. and that was the latest time I've EVER had lunch. We went to a Japanese Restraunt called Aoki (It was probably owned by Chinese people though...), and the food was pretty good.
Afterwards, we just walked around Rockefeller Center, visited the M&M World, and went to Times Square. Overall, we spent about 3 hours in New York (about one hour less than the drive) and it took 2 hours to get home. I spazzed because I woke up early to go to New York and spend the day there, but only spent 3 hours... But I guess I forgot about it. =) Plus I was pretty tired (I slept at around 1 a.m. the previous night because of an Asian party) so I went to bed.
... The End.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
School is finally out! YAY!
... Well, at least for the year of 2009. Apparently this decade was terrible (9/11 and stuff and Michael Jackson dying), but I spent most of my life in this decade. It holds many dear memories to me. For example, my first day of Kindergarten to last day of 7th grade (7th grade was awesome because: 1.) I met lots of new people. 2.) pit was fun. 3.) Hershey was awesome). :sigh:, I'm going to miss these years.
Sorry for not posting earlier, but I really think it's pointless; no one ever comments, even when they read what I have to write; is this because I'm boring? Most people say that they don't have time to comment, but they have enough time to READ... Whatever.
Today is Christmas Eve Eve. As in, 2 days before Christmas. I don't know what I'm getting, but my mom held up a wrapped box and was like "This is your gift." and she let me shake it so I could hear what was inside... Yeah, I just realized that that trick doesn't work (cuz I'm usually not that excited about X-Mas). iSmarticle! ;D
Anyway, this year, since Daniel's in China right now, and going to be there for the rest of the year/part of the next year as well, Tiffany's having a party and Jon's going too! (family friends, in case you didn't already know). And no, I am NOT high (Alina) because there are going to be high schoolers. ;)
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great winter break and enjoys it at its fullest, cuz when we come back, we have to do WORK again
... Well, Annapurna and all SO people always have to work, so this doesn't really apply to them...
Ah well.
Merry felicitations! xD
... Well, at least for the year of 2009. Apparently this decade was terrible (9/11 and stuff and Michael Jackson dying), but I spent most of my life in this decade. It holds many dear memories to me. For example, my first day of Kindergarten to last day of 7th grade (7th grade was awesome because: 1.) I met lots of new people. 2.) pit was fun. 3.) Hershey was awesome). :sigh:, I'm going to miss these years.
Sorry for not posting earlier, but I really think it's pointless; no one ever comments, even when they read what I have to write; is this because I'm boring? Most people say that they don't have time to comment, but they have enough time to READ... Whatever.
Today is Christmas Eve Eve. As in, 2 days before Christmas. I don't know what I'm getting, but my mom held up a wrapped box and was like "This is your gift." and she let me shake it so I could hear what was inside... Yeah, I just realized that that trick doesn't work (cuz I'm usually not that excited about X-Mas). iSmarticle! ;D
Anyway, this year, since Daniel's in China right now, and going to be there for the rest of the year/part of the next year as well, Tiffany's having a party and Jon's going too! (family friends, in case you didn't already know). And no, I am NOT high (Alina) because there are going to be high schoolers. ;)
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great winter break and enjoys it at its fullest, cuz when we come back, we have to do WORK again
... Well, Annapurna and all SO people always have to work, so this doesn't really apply to them...
Ah well.
Merry felicitations! xD
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi everyone/no one! Well, I would say hi to everyone, except no one is here, and no one is ever here...
Ah well. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Thanksgiving is supposed to be about friends and family, right? For me, I'm going to my mom's friend's house to eat turkey/mashed potatos/cranberry sauce/stuffing, and drown it all in GRAVY! Yeah, except the only problem is that I'm the only one my age. As in, I could either hang out with my little sister (which I prefer not to, thank you very much), her friend (about my sister's age), or this dude from college who doesn't speak English. So, the last possible thing to do is go online onto gmail and chat with people, which isn't what Thanksgiving is about, but hey, do I have much of a choice before dying of boredom?
Anyway, I hope everyone has a good time this long weekend (even though we still have homework from Johnson, the only teacher who gave us ANY homework this break), and tomorrow (Black Friday), don't die by being trampled to death by people who want to get stuff on sale in either Best Buy, Walmart, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle, Aeropostale, or the Apple store. xD
I'm not going shopping, because I have a Thanksgiving soccer tournament, so someone buy something for me!
Ah well. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Thanksgiving is supposed to be about friends and family, right? For me, I'm going to my mom's friend's house to eat turkey/mashed potatos/cranberry sauce/stuffing, and drown it all in GRAVY! Yeah, except the only problem is that I'm the only one my age. As in, I could either hang out with my little sister (which I prefer not to, thank you very much), her friend (about my sister's age), or this dude from college who doesn't speak English. So, the last possible thing to do is go online onto gmail and chat with people, which isn't what Thanksgiving is about, but hey, do I have much of a choice before dying of boredom?
Anyway, I hope everyone has a good time this long weekend (even though we still have homework from Johnson, the only teacher who gave us ANY homework this break), and tomorrow (Black Friday), don't die by being trampled to death by people who want to get stuff on sale in either Best Buy, Walmart, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle, Aeropostale, or the Apple store. xD
I'm not going shopping, because I have a Thanksgiving soccer tournament, so someone buy something for me!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
This is the 58th post of MONTY AZNS!
... You're probably thinking "so what?"
On my old blog, called Monty Tweens (when we were tweens, not teens), there was 58 posts. Monty Tweens was created 3 years ago, by Annapurna, though I have posted stuff on it too.
The point is, Monty Azns BEAT Monty Tweens, because this blog was only created THIS SUMMER.
Congrats to us. ^-^
... You're probably thinking "so what?"
On my old blog, called Monty Tweens (when we were tweens, not teens), there was 58 posts. Monty Tweens was created 3 years ago, by Annapurna, though I have posted stuff on it too.
The point is, Monty Azns BEAT Monty Tweens, because this blog was only created THIS SUMMER.
Congrats to us. ^-^
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The good news:
The unfair news:
The bad news:
That's Asian life for you, right there.
Well, I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! ^-^
(P.S. I did not use capslock at all! Aren't the world proud of me?! xD)
The unfair news:
The bad news:
That's Asian life for you, right there.
Well, I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! ^-^
(P.S. I did not use capslock at all! Aren't the world proud of me?! xD)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Red Ribbon Week (Continued)
Even if the week is over, and today is Halloween, I think I should write about what happened.
Each day.
Don't worry, this one will be shorter than the last post because I know no one's going to read this, so what's the point of writing long endless posts?
Anyway, on Wednesday, it was wear red day. Er... Not everyone wore red, but a bunch of people did participate.
Thurday was Spirit Day; Because I am a Band Geek, and all Band Geeks, Orchedorks, and Chorus people, should've worn the new polo shirt that we will wear to Hershey and for other in-school concerts. But, not as many Band Geeks/Orchedorks/Chorus people wore the shirts as I had expected, but I guess some people are ashamed of being Band Geeks/Orchedorks/Chorus people...
Friday was "Costume Day" as a replacement for "Halloween Dress-Up" because it wasn't actually Halloween, but to keep up with the week for dressing up, I guess they wanted to fit it in.
Anyway, for Friday, Alina and I wore our "Somewhat Sister" Costumes, and everyone asked me "What are you supposed to be?". I answered "I'm Alina."
Well, we were supposed to be "Somewhat Sisters" but I didn't feel like explaining the whole name thing, so I just answered as I had.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Red Ribbon Week-- PJ and Crazy Hair Day
This week is Red Ribbon Week! xD
It's not like I look forward to this every year, but I do remember last year that this happened (with dressing up and such). I didn't even remember that it was red ribbon week. The only thing that I did remember was that I wore PJs on one of the days... and Nishan R. wore a bath robe, and we all made fun of him.
Anyway, this year, I forgot to wear my pajamas, but I DID see a lot of... interesting sleep-wear. For example, Jeana wore really bright yellow pajamas with random colorful umbrellas on it, while Belce wore her pajamas and brought her stuffed rabbit, which I have about 10 of...
Today was Crazy Hair Day. I'm really not that creative with crazy hair stuffs, so I just decided to wear my huge, bright pink bow, that reminds people of Sailor Moon. It was crazy enough, because it was so big, people on the other side of the auditorium could see it in dim lights while we were at the debate for Montgomery's Mayor/Governer (I forget which) assembly. I think I'll update more about that later...
Anyway, I didn't count, but more than 10 people came up to me and said "I love your bow".
Not "I like your bow".
Not "Your bow is pretty"
They ALL said "I love your bow". It was kinda weird... But, at least I participated. =/
Alina still thinks I should've added something to make it awesomer, because the bow would've won a crazy bow contest; not a crazy hair contest.
It's not like I look forward to this every year, but I do remember last year that this happened (with dressing up and such). I didn't even remember that it was red ribbon week. The only thing that I did remember was that I wore PJs on one of the days... and Nishan R. wore a bath robe, and we all made fun of him.
Anyway, this year, I forgot to wear my pajamas, but I DID see a lot of... interesting sleep-wear. For example, Jeana wore really bright yellow pajamas with random colorful umbrellas on it, while Belce wore her pajamas and brought her stuffed rabbit, which I have about 10 of...
Today was Crazy Hair Day. I'm really not that creative with crazy hair stuffs, so I just decided to wear my huge, bright pink bow, that reminds people of Sailor Moon. It was crazy enough, because it was so big, people on the other side of the auditorium could see it in dim lights while we were at the debate for Montgomery's Mayor/Governer (I forget which) assembly. I think I'll update more about that later...
Anyway, I didn't count, but more than 10 people came up to me and said "I love your bow".
Not "I like your bow".
Not "Your bow is pretty"
They ALL said "I love your bow". It was kinda weird... But, at least I participated. =/
Alina still thinks I should've added something to make it awesomer, because the bow would've won a crazy bow contest; not a crazy hair contest.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Camp Mason
Ok, since Camp Mason is over, I feel that I MUST BLOG ABOUT IT!
... which is what I'm currently doing.
Ok, I basically sent Priscilla an email, and I just copy-pasted what I wrote onto this post, because I must finish homework, and this will save A LOT OF TIME. =)
My favorite "class" that I did was Vertical Playpen. I think that Alina and I took the longest (we were in the same group, so we went togother) because I always had to help Alina out because her legs aren't quite as long as mine... >_>), but it was fun anyway.
Rick's Rocks was a bit challenging, and even though it was worth it in the end. The only bad thing was that they didn't let me bring my camera to take pictures at the top. BUT IT WAS SO COOL! I mean, because the weather that day was PERFECT (the sky was completely blue, with no clouds at all, and the trees were red/orange/gold/brown and the mountains were slighly darker than the light sky, and it looked so pretty!), I wish I was able to bring my camera up. But, I tried the more challenging rock climbing first, which I failed, so I had to wait until everyone on the easier one was finished before I could try the easier one (otherwise it wouldn't be fair, because I would've done 2 climbs while someone else only does one). Luckily, there was enough time for me to do the easier one (I completed the easier one, which was higher than the challenging one, but had more cracks which were easier to climb up onto) in about 6 minutes (Because I REALLY wanted to see the top! xD).
Mr. Fritz forgot to show up at our Beaver Pond Hike, so that felt like a rip-off, even though I didn't buy anything, but you know what I mean...
Firecracker/Wilder Woozy was boring. Aparently, Mr. Cooper didn't tell them that we were going to do "wilder woozy" so they didn't have that ready for us, so we didn't do it. Plus, for firecracker, it was super boring because most of the time, you are helping OTHER people go, and after YOU go, you really don't feel like helping other people (that might sound selfish, and I feel guilty about saying that, but still...). I failed miserably when it was my turn. Someone didn't hold the platform thing correctly, so I slipped and fell. It took me about 5 minutes to get back up again, and that's a long time to be dangling upside down. (>.<)
Mount Mason was okay for me, but I didn't do the nose =/ (I tried and failed, like many before me).
I DID do rifle shooting, which was totally awesome (xD), and archery, which wasn't as exciting because I've done it before. The only bad thing about rifle shooting was that I shot at the wrong target and got a bullseye. I shot at Nick Nastazi's target instead of mine, and because he knew that he couldn't have gotten it, he didn't want to give me the paper that I shot at, and wanted to claim to the world that HE actually got the bullseye... I just hope that no one actually believes him... -sigh-
... which is what I'm currently doing.
Ok, I basically sent Priscilla an email, and I just copy-pasted what I wrote onto this post, because I must finish homework, and this will save A LOT OF TIME. =)
My favorite "class" that I did was Vertical Playpen. I think that Alina and I took the longest (we were in the same group, so we went togother) because I always had to help Alina out because her legs aren't quite as long as mine... >_>), but it was fun anyway.
Rick's Rocks was a bit challenging, and even though it was worth it in the end. The only bad thing was that they didn't let me bring my camera to take pictures at the top. BUT IT WAS SO COOL! I mean, because the weather that day was PERFECT (the sky was completely blue, with no clouds at all, and the trees were red/orange/gold/brown and the mountains were slighly darker than the light sky, and it looked so pretty!), I wish I was able to bring my camera up. But, I tried the more challenging rock climbing first, which I failed, so I had to wait until everyone on the easier one was finished before I could try the easier one (otherwise it wouldn't be fair, because I would've done 2 climbs while someone else only does one). Luckily, there was enough time for me to do the easier one (I completed the easier one, which was higher than the challenging one, but had more cracks which were easier to climb up onto) in about 6 minutes (Because I REALLY wanted to see the top! xD).
Mr. Fritz forgot to show up at our Beaver Pond Hike, so that felt like a rip-off, even though I didn't buy anything, but you know what I mean...
Firecracker/Wilder Woozy was boring. Aparently, Mr. Cooper didn't tell them that we were going to do "wilder woozy" so they didn't have that ready for us, so we didn't do it. Plus, for firecracker, it was super boring because most of the time, you are helping OTHER people go, and after YOU go, you really don't feel like helping other people (that might sound selfish, and I feel guilty about saying that, but still...). I failed miserably when it was my turn. Someone didn't hold the platform thing correctly, so I slipped and fell. It took me about 5 minutes to get back up again, and that's a long time to be dangling upside down. (>.<)
Mount Mason was okay for me, but I didn't do the nose =/ (I tried and failed, like many before me).
I DID do rifle shooting, which was totally awesome (xD), and archery, which wasn't as exciting because I've done it before. The only bad thing about rifle shooting was that I shot at the wrong target and got a bullseye. I shot at Nick Nastazi's target instead of mine, and because he knew that he couldn't have gotten it, he didn't want to give me the paper that I shot at, and wanted to claim to the world that HE actually got the bullseye... I just hope that no one actually believes him... -sigh-
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Final List (Because Camp Mason is TOMORROW! xD)
Camp Mason is tomorrow, and I can't wait. I'm sure a lot of you are dying to go, as am I, and to make things absolutely fantasical (A word I learned from Emily L.), I made the final list of "stuff to bring" with everyone who told me what they were bringing in alphabetical order. I've decided to format this list differently, saying who's bringing what, rather than what is going to be brought and by whom.
This is going to take a long time because I have to look back and forth at that chain mail because some people didn't comment on the blog, but did on that chainmail. So, here it goes...
Ok, this is the final list of what people commented about:
Alice will bring: her iPod, juice boxes (and she's not afraid to use them), and twizzlers.
Alina will bring: a hairdryer, iPod, iPod speakers, seaweed, pocky, cards, cool brush thing that changes color in heat that she brought to Hershey Park, and maybe a curling iron.
Angela will bring: Never told any of us what to bring. (oh, I think this was one of the people that we were missing on our chain... >.>)
Annapurna will bring: Addicting pretzels, smoores stuff, candy corn, and clear cards (not sure what this is, but I will "find out soon enough".) ... ok, that was a quote about addicting pretzels made by Sadia, not clear cards, but still...
Archana will bring: more snacks (that's all she ever said).
Ashley will bring: iPod, iPod Charger, iPod Speakers, Curling iron, cards for the bus, possibly candy (chocolates), and a frisbee.
Belce (-sigh-) will bring: She wasn't on the chain. Alina, why didn't you add her?
Emily will bring: Chips(or Cheetos?), and cards.
Hannah will bring: dark chocolate hershey kisses, garden cheddar goldfish, packs of cracker "thingies", chocolate teddy gram "thingies", and colorful tiny minty "thingies".
Jill will bring: Cards, possibly my iPod, chips, random Asian food that my mom found in our cabinet, and probably my soccer ball (if I find a way to sneak it into my bag).
Sadia will bring: Soda (or a different type of drink), pretzels (please bring those big ones with huge pieces of salt that you were giving out during lunch!), probably cookies.
Rebecca will bring: m&ms (with peanut butter). WE BETTER LIKE THEM! ... because Rebecca already bought them! Sour cream and onion chips, a hairdryer, and her iPod.
Also, don't forget the necessities for Camp Mason:
PJs, jackets, sweaters, lots of socks and underwear (as the teachers tell that we need a lot), flip flops for shower, jeans/pants, shirts (long/short-sleeved), sleeping bag, pillow, pillow case, bath towel, washcloth, tissues, soap, shampoo, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, CELLPHONE, water, camera (optional, but if you're doing Rick's Rocks I strongly suggest bringing a camera), flashlight, and a book.
This is going to take a long time because I have to look back and forth at that chain mail because some people didn't comment on the blog, but did on that chainmail. So, here it goes...
Ok, this is the final list of what people commented about:
Alice will bring: her iPod, juice boxes (and she's not afraid to use them), and twizzlers.
Alina will bring: a hairdryer, iPod, iPod speakers, seaweed, pocky, cards, cool brush thing that changes color in heat that she brought to Hershey Park, and maybe a curling iron.
Angela will bring: Never told any of us what to bring. (oh, I think this was one of the people that we were missing on our chain... >.>)
Annapurna will bring: Addicting pretzels, smoores stuff, candy corn, and clear cards (not sure what this is, but I will "find out soon enough".) ... ok, that was a quote about addicting pretzels made by Sadia, not clear cards, but still...
Archana will bring: more snacks (that's all she ever said).
Ashley will bring: iPod, iPod Charger, iPod Speakers, Curling iron, cards for the bus, possibly candy (chocolates), and a frisbee.
Belce (-sigh-) will bring: She wasn't on the chain. Alina, why didn't you add her?
Emily will bring: Chips(or Cheetos?), and cards.
Hannah will bring: dark chocolate hershey kisses, garden cheddar goldfish, packs of cracker "thingies", chocolate teddy gram "thingies", and colorful tiny minty "thingies".
Jill will bring: Cards, possibly my iPod, chips, random Asian food that my mom found in our cabinet, and probably my soccer ball (if I find a way to sneak it into my bag).
Sadia will bring: Soda (or a different type of drink), pretzels (please bring those big ones with huge pieces of salt that you were giving out during lunch!), probably cookies.
Rebecca will bring: m&ms (with peanut butter). WE BETTER LIKE THEM! ... because Rebecca already bought them! Sour cream and onion chips, a hairdryer, and her iPod.
Also, don't forget the necessities for Camp Mason:
PJs, jackets, sweaters, lots of socks and underwear (as the teachers tell that we need a lot), flip flops for shower, jeans/pants, shirts (long/short-sleeved), sleeping bag, pillow, pillow case, bath towel, washcloth, tissues, soap, shampoo, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, CELLPHONE, water, camera (optional, but if you're doing Rick's Rocks I strongly suggest bringing a camera), flashlight, and a book.
Monday, October 19, 2009
What People Are Bringing
Ok, I'm just going to copy and paste this thing that Alina wrote, except change the "me"s to Alina:
- 2 hair dryers-- Rebecca and Alina
- peanut butter candy-- Rebecca
2 iPod speakers-- Ashley and Alina - 4 alarm clocks(?)-- Hannah, Alina, Archana, and Rebecca
- iPods-- Alina, Rebecca, and Ashley (if you want to randomly bring yours too, then knock yourself out!)
- Soda/Drinks-- Alice and Sadia
- seaweed and pocky-- Alina (cough cough... ^-^)
- chips--Emily and I (Jill[ian])
- Cheez-its-- Annapurna
- Smoores stuff and Candy Corn-- Annapurna
- cards-- Alina and I (Jill[ian])
- more snacks(?)-- Archana
- curling iron (why do we need this again? I'm just wondering...)-- Ashley
If anyone has anything to change, just comment, and I'll be posting another blog update in a few hours, or tomorrow.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Camp Mason Groups
Camp Mason is only a week away!
Luckily for us, we get to go to school regularily, rather than getting there at six in the morning. But, we have to wait longer.
For our cabin, we have the following people:
Annapurna V.
Alina L.
Sadia S.
Hannah C.
Belce T.
Ashley Y.
Emily C.
Angela C.
Alice C.
Rebecca T.
Archana B.
The chaperones are: Ms. Sterling, Ms. Cardozo, Mrs. Weinburger, and Ms. Oliff.
A friend of mine who has went to Camp Mason (last year) suggests the following:
1.) A winter jacket
2.) A gym bag to put small things that you might need
3.) gloves, hats, etc.
We need to decide who's bringing what, like a hairdryer or something. We already know the following:
1.) Rebecca and Alina are bringing hair dryers (we have a large group of 13, so we may need 2 to speed up the hair drying process).
2.) Annapurna is bringing smoores stuff.
3.) Alina is bringing her ipod (with awesome songs) and speakers.
4.) I'm going to bring a deck of cards
5.) I'm going to bring chips and candy to bet with if we are going to play poker.
So, we need:
1.) more food
2.) entertainment stuff
We need to think of stuff, so comment your ideas and if you will bring in the stuff.
Luckily for us, we get to go to school regularily, rather than getting there at six in the morning. But, we have to wait longer.
For our cabin, we have the following people:
Annapurna V.
Alina L.
Sadia S.
Hannah C.
Belce T.
Ashley Y.
Emily C.
Angela C.
Alice C.
Rebecca T.
Archana B.
The chaperones are: Ms. Sterling, Ms. Cardozo, Mrs. Weinburger, and Ms. Oliff.
A friend of mine who has went to Camp Mason (last year) suggests the following:
1.) A winter jacket
2.) A gym bag to put small things that you might need
3.) gloves, hats, etc.
We need to decide who's bringing what, like a hairdryer or something. We already know the following:
1.) Rebecca and Alina are bringing hair dryers (we have a large group of 13, so we may need 2 to speed up the hair drying process).
2.) Annapurna is bringing smoores stuff.
3.) Alina is bringing her ipod (with awesome songs) and speakers.
4.) I'm going to bring a deck of cards
5.) I'm going to bring chips and candy to bet with if we are going to play poker.
So, we need:
1.) more food
2.) entertainment stuff
We need to think of stuff, so comment your ideas and if you will bring in the stuff.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's Over
... the week where everyone updates their blogs, that is.
I personally think that Emily had a good idea, with updating your blog everyday of the week for a whole week. As a result, almost everyone updated their blogs everyday (except for Claudia and Alex). I mean, most of it was short, because there was no time, but I always enjoyed reading everyone's blog posts. Plus, I learned about two new blogs (well, I didn't know these people had a blog before), and because Emily told me about them. Now I know! xD
Anyway, I think I'll still update more often that before, because I have a strange feeling that I'm supposed to, even though absolutely no one actually reads this blog. But oh well.
I can't wait for next year! xD
I personally think that Emily had a good idea, with updating your blog everyday of the week for a whole week. As a result, almost everyone updated their blogs everyday (except for Claudia and Alex). I mean, most of it was short, because there was no time, but I always enjoyed reading everyone's blog posts. Plus, I learned about two new blogs (well, I didn't know these people had a blog before), and because Emily told me about them. Now I know! xD
Anyway, I think I'll still update more often that before, because I have a strange feeling that I'm supposed to, even though absolutely no one actually reads this blog. But oh well.
I can't wait for next year! xD
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